September 14, 2021 7:26 pm
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In these uncertain times, market forces have been entirely unpredictable. This adds risk to any type of investment that’s subject to these forces. While many people opt for stocks, mutual funds and bonds in their investment portfolios, there are other investment options available, such as vacant land. Vacant land investments are gaining steam due to their tangibility and lack of maintenance costs, among other things. If you’ve been thinking about buying some vacant land, then this article should help inform your decision. When it comes to investing, here are some of the benefits of vacant land. Appreciation The concept of... View Article
August 31, 2021 7:26 pm
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Buying land is a dream of many Americans. It’s a popular investment due to the flexibility it offers and the fact that it’s a finite resource. Mark Twain said it best, “Buy land. They’re not making it anymore.” But if you choose to invest in land, how do you know you’re buying the right land? There are many factors that go into deciding which plot of land you’re going to purchase and why. Here are some tips on buying land. Have a plan When buying land, keep in mind what you’re going to be using it for. If you’re going... View Article
May 24, 2021 2:46 pm
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You may have seen people walking around a piece of property taking measurements or looking through a gadget set on a tripod. These folks are land surveyors, and they’re performing a very important role in the construction industry. Even if you’re not directly involved in the construction field, you may need to hire a land surveyor at some point. Continue reading to learn the top five reasons for a land survey in Guadalupe County, TX and what to look for in a quality surveyor. You’re purchasing land Your first step before buying land should be getting a survey. In fact,... View Article
November 4, 2020 12:03 am
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The country is currently gripped in the midst of challenging circumstances. Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, people across the United States are being forced to reconsider how they live their lives and conduct their business. For the builders and residents of our corner of Texas, that means rethinking the way in which traditional land surveys are completed. Land surveying during COVID-19 in Guadalupe County, TX has changed. Here’s how. Social distancing For the most part, those people who conduct land surveys gather information on their own. They take measurements and walk the land by themselves, or possibly... View Article
September 24, 2020 7:01 pm
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In recent years, technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, resulting in innovations across virtually all industries and applications. Land surveying, which has its roots in ancient history, has been continuously transformed by technological advancements that have increased accuracy, streamlined the survey process and provided property owners with more detailed measurements and evaluations of their land. One of the most exciting new changes to land surveying is the use of land mapping drones in Guadalupe County, TX. Keep reading to learn how surveyors are using drones in the field. Drones for land surveying Drones are very advanced pieces of technology... View Article