Top Reasons for a Property Survey in Seguin, TX
Do you need a property survey in Seguin, TX? These important documents are necessary in a variety of circumstances. In fact, certain transactions cannot happen without them! Following are a few of the most common reasons to obtain a property survey in Seguin, TX.
If you aren’t sure whether your situation calls for a property survey, contact the professionals at Bettersworth & Associates, Inc. We can review your needs and determine the best solution for your property, development or project.
To Establish Boundaries
The location of property boundary lines is often unclear. Even if fencing is in place, the true boundaries may be unknown. A property owner may complete a survey in Seguin, TX to discover the official layout of his or her land.
This is often necessary if the land will be divided or sold. The survey will provide the information needed by potential buyers to know exactly what they will be purchasing.
A property owner may also want to establish their boundaries if they are planning to develop the land in some way. If the owner would like to build a structure, install a pool, or add fencing, for example, it is important to know where the boundaries are to ensure these structures fall within the property.
To Discover Easements
Many properties include easements that are imposed by law. Easements are rights that a party has to access someone else’s property even though they do not own it. For one reason or another, this party is given right of way on certain portion of the land.
Easements are commonly granted to municipalities and utility organizations so they can provide installation and maintenance services to the utilities located on a property. They may also need to use portions of a property to construct public pathways or roadways.
To Determine Legality of Improvements
Did your neighbor just build a shed on your property? Perhaps you suspect a project has crossed the legal line for improvements on a property. A property survey in Seguin, TX can verify the legality of the improvements. The survey might be used to dispute claims that you have violated the law, or it may be used to make charges against someone else.
To Learn Zoning Classification
Before a property is developed, it’s essential to know how the land is zoned. A property survey in Seguin, TX will reveal the land’s zoning classification. Once this information is provided, current or future owners can plan how to use the land appropriately, or seek to have the property rezoned.
A Survey for Every Reason
If you need a property survey in Seguin, TX for any of these situations or other unique circumstances, contact the team at Bettersworth & Associates, Inc. Established in 1953, we offer a track record of success in creating better places to live, learn, work and play. Our experienced team of resourceful and award-winning land planners is ready to assist you with your next project. Contact us today at 830-379-5552 to get started.
Categorised in: Property Survey