December 28, 2016 2:24 am
Published by Writer
Texas does not have a right of entry statute to help land boundary surveys. That is why eminent domain is frequently an issue for the property surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX. If a survey must occur and property owners do not allow access, eminent domain is the next logical step. Here is what you need to know about how this issue affects your land surveys. Usual routine Right of entry and eminent domain arise in boundary surveys. To get an accurate assessment of boundary lines, surveyors must have access to neighboring land plots. In most states, there is a right... View Article
November 15, 2016 9:47 pm
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Any project that is to be constructed in a floodway must undergo a thorough review to determine if the project, once completed, will increase flood heights in the area. Engineers and surveyors must conduct a thorough analysis before a building permit can be issued to the property owner. Once the analysis is complete, a copy of the record must be provided to the community’s permit file in the form of a No-Rise Certification, which guarantees that a project will not increase flood heights. Any No-Rise Certification must be supported by demonstrable technical data and then signed by a registered and... View Article
November 9, 2016 9:46 pm
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Elevation certificates are important documents given to properties to provide an official record that any new buildings and improvements on the land that are located in an identified Special Flood Hazard Area are elevated to the proper levels. Elevation information is required by local municipalities to ensure all properties comply with floodplain management ordinances, and also help consumers to know that their home or business is not going to be in danger of getting flooded out. FEMA encourages all communities to use its own Elevation Certificate to fulfill these local ordinances, as FEMA’s certificate can also be used by the... View Article