Categories for Property Surveyor

Importance of STEM Education

December 6, 2017 10:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The popularity of STEM education has been continuously growing in the past few decades as technology continues to evolve, but some still don’t understand it and why it’s important. STEM education stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM is everywhere in our lives. As humans in an increasingly technological world, it’s important that we continue to improve our understanding of each of the STEM fields to benefit the economy, other people and the world around us as a whole. STEM isn’t just about the newest app on your cell phone, though. It encompasses the ability to travel in space,... View Article

A Land Surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX Addresses Five Common Land Survey Myths and Misconceptions

June 26, 2017 8:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When it comes to boundary disputes and projects on private property that stand to impact neighboring land, most difficult situations can really benefit from the expertise of a local land surveyor. Unfortunately, not everyone takes land surveying seriously, and some even believe it to be an unnecessary service. It’s this kind of attitude that can land neighbors in court over property line disputes or throw a wrench into a site development plan after it’s discovered that the land is unusable. Before issues arise is the time to get the facts straight about land surveying. Let’s ask an experienced land surveyor... View Article

A Land Surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX Explains Utility Easements

January 25, 2017 4:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A utility easement allows utility companies to use sections of land for electric, telephone, cable and water lines. This use was allowed when land plats were first divided by a land surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX, which gave utility companies access to your land before you acquired it. Most properties on a city grid, water or power system have a utility easement attached to it. Here are why these easements exist and what you can expect if you have one on your land. Arises from public need An easement is an authorization to use land that belongs to someone else.... View Article

Eminent Domain and the Property Surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX

December 28, 2016 2:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Texas does not have a right of entry statute to help land boundary surveys. That is why eminent domain is frequently an issue for the property surveyor in Guadalupe County, TX. If a survey must occur and property owners do not allow access, eminent domain is the next logical step. Here is what you need to know about how this issue affects your land surveys. Usual routine Right of entry and eminent domain arise in boundary surveys. To get an accurate assessment of boundary lines, surveyors must have access to neighboring land plots. In most states, there is a right... View Article